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Our research is broadly focused towards understanding the genetic basis and neural circuits underlying circadian clock mediated metabolism, sleep, and memory. 


To this end, we use the model organism fruit fly Drosophila that offers convenient tools for conducting comprehensive genetic, molecular and behavioral studies


Post-transcriptional regulation of circadian rhythms 


Evidence from genetic and molecular approaches contributed significantly to our understanding of the molecular basis of the circadian timing system. Regulation at various levels is important for the accurate functioning of the circadian clock, including transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms. Emerging evidence indicates an important role for post-transcriptional regulation, from splicing, polyadenylation to non-coding functions by microRNAs. microRNAs play key role in circadian time keeping by post-transcriptional regulation of the clock genes, regulates the speed of the circadian clock and modulates neuronal excitability of clock neurons.  However no micro RNAs have been implicated in the input pathways of the circadian clock so far and the broad impact of miRNAs in regulating diverse aspects of clock mediated behavioral rhythm remains to be elucidated. Therefore, an in-depth understanding on microRNA-mediated regulation of behavioral rhythm in Drosophila will give insights in to post-transcriptional regulation of circadian clocks. We study the neuronal, molecular basis of circadian clock with special emphasis on microRNA mediated post-transcriptional regulation of circadian rhythm.




























Interaction between circadian clock  and metabolism


Recent studies indicate the link between circadian clock and metabolism and interestingly these relationships are bidirectional. While circadian clock orchestrates metabolic systems to optimize energy utilization across the light/dark cycle, changes in metabolism can feedback to the circadian clock. Although studies suggest the interaction between circadian clock and metabolism, the precise mechanisms through which circadian clock and metabolism interacts with each other remains to be largely achieved. To this end, we are examining the the requirement of circadian clock genes in modulating fat metabolism and starvation resistance in Drosophila.  Central and peripheral clocks interact with each other to regulate food intake and specific metabolic pathways.  Using a combination of behavioural, genetic and molecular methods we address the role of circadian clock in regulating metabolic neuropeptides in Drosophila. Another area of research we are pursuing is about the regulation of food intake and starvation mediated hyperactivity by circadian clock. Our studies are focused towards understanding the novel neuropeptides involved in starvation-induced changes in this behavioral choice.



























Sleep deprivation, aging and memory  

Several lines of evidence from recent research outlined the importance of sleep in memory consolidation. The circadian clock and homeostatic processes regulate sleep that impacts synaptic plasticity and memory. One of the most striking behavioral changes that occur with age is loss of sleep consolidation and aging impairs memory consolidation. Studies in our lab are focused to unravel the complex interaction between sleep deprivation, memory and aging in Drosophila.


Molecular and neuronal basis of circadian clock precision 

This long-term (300 generations) study in collaboration with JNCASR, Bangalore is aimed at elucidating the effect of selection for adult emergence during a narrow window of 1h in baseline fruit fly D. melanogaster populations.   We found that with increasing generations, flies selected for emergence in a narrow window of time evolved circadian rhythms with enhanced accuracy and precision.

Gopalakrishnan  et al., 2024 (In press) 

Figure 1.jpg

Anna and Kannan. Chronobiol. Int. 2021

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Segu and Kannan. Sleep advances, 2023

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Kannan et al., J.Exp. Biol. 2012

Our further studies are focused towards elucidating the neuronal and molecular basis of circadian clock precision evolved in these populations as a response to the selection.

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